The Waco Tribune Herald,
Texas Guinan's hometown newspaper, printed an intriguing item on Sunday - - 8 October 2006.

Reporter Terri Jo Ryan,
Tribune-Herald staffwriter, highlighted this upcoming event featuring Texas food, history, and local personalities - - and we already know a few.
• • Pizza proprietor and educator Mary Duty envisions Waco history in terms of restaurants, taverns, and tales swapped over soup, beer, Mexican food. . . and pizza.
• • “Restaurants kind of tell the story of a town,” Mary Duty said. “Look at Waco’s famous Klaras family. Pete Klaras was a Greek immigrant who had this popular café on the Square and fed many Americans through the Depression. The story is he kept a bowl of soup on at all times.” To ensure that hungry but penniless customers retained their pride, they were invited to have soup and sign a ledger agreeing to an I.O.U. [though it seems that Klaras never expected poverty-stricken people to made good on their face-saving promise].
• • Such history is part of a unique local event this week in Waco, Texas. If you’ve ever fancied enjoying pizza with 1920s speakeasy queen
Texas Guinan or munching eggrolls with Waco’s pistol-packin’ publisher William Cowper Brann, you shouldn't miss this chance.
• • At the “Taste of Waco History” offering set from 5:00 - 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday [October 10th], some of the most famous characters of Six Shooter Junction’s colorful past will rub elbows with mere mortals enjoying food and beverages at the Waco History Project’s major fundraiser.
• • Snobby Tours is providing living history re-enactors to ferry folks to famous sites around town. Three 30-minute tours have been scheduled and will depart from the parking lot of Nelson’s, 414 Franklin Ave. The first begins shortly after 5 p.m.
• • Other “spirits” invited to the party include Sul Ross, early Texas Ranger, governor of Texas and president of Texas A&M; Alf Neill, the first Waco police officer killed in the line of duty; Estella Maxey, musical entertainer; Madison Cooper, author of Sironia, Texas; and Scottish settler Neil McLennan, for whom the county is named.
• • Organizers have dubbed the event “Meet Me at Hamburger Pete’s.”
• • Mary Duty, treasurer of the Waco History Project, said each of the participating restaurants has a unique history. . . .
• • Admission tickets — - which include food, beverage and motorcoach tour - — can be purchased at the Tribune-Herald, 900 Franklin Avenue or the Historic Waco Foundation, 810 S. Fourth Street.
• • Published: Sunday 8 October 2006
• • Source: Terri Jo Ryan -
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Texas Guinan• • photo: Texas Guinan • • 1928 • •
NYCTexas Guinan.